Does one mouse mean an infestation?

Does one mouse mean an infestation?

One mouse is a very complicated situation. If you have never before in your entire time living in this house, seen a mouse then yes, one mouse may mean one mouse. That is if it is a field mouse or deer mouse. If it is a house mouse then it’s a clear and honest no. There is certainly a whole family of mice living in your walls and that is the male or female adult hunting for food for the new young they just birthed in your wall. They will quickly reach maturity and breed more, this will continue for as long as they manage to live in your walls, and as they grow and breed they will move up the floors of the house, spreading throughout the home like cancer. They will invade floor after floor until they are in the attic and at that point, even an exterminator cannot help you. The cause of a mouse infestation is the presence of food on the property. If you have a bird feeder then you need to take it down, if you eat outside then you are not cleaning up enough, if you feed your pet outside, stop immediately. These pests are attracted to food of all kinds and will not stop until they have devoured every last drop of food in your house.  if you are experiencing a rodent problem, call Mouse Control Brampton

How can you handle this infestation? How can you get rid of it? There are many things you can do, if you do them all then there will be no reason for the mice to live on the property at all and they may go so far as to vacate on their own. Wouldn’t that be a sight? But the reality is that the mice have already adapted to your home, permanently, if you removed them humanely they would die before they got off your property, they are essentially pets now and cannot survive outside. Killing them is much more human than forcing them to starve to death or be eaten by a predator. Rodenticide is not painful, it takes a full week to kill the mouse slowly and without the mouse realizing what is happening. 

If you need help with this process you can call  Mouse Control Our technicians have all the experience and skills needed to get rid of your mouse infestation without any effort on your part. Just sit back and watch them vanish. 

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