risks of cleaning mouse feces

risks of cleaning mouse feces

Mice feces is not truly dangerous in most cases. The cleaning of it can make it much more dangerous, however. It is not comparable to the feces of raccoons or rats and is not something likely to make you sick if you take the basic precautions of wearing a face mask, polymer gloves, and clothing you don’t mind throwing in the garbage later. The process is long, you have to be very careful when sweeping it up as the movement can make the bacteria and viruses in the feces air-born which puts you in even more danger. You must also take extreme precautions when handling it. Do not pick it up even with gloved hands, use a dustpan that you can dispose of along with the broom. The reason for this is that even bleach is not enough to guarantee the safety of the clothes and tools you used to clean the mess so make sure to dispose of everything you used to clean the mess.  if you are experiencing a rodent problem, call Mouse Exterminator Toronto   

The major danger regarding mouse feces is a sickness called Hantavirus. The Hantavirus is a dangerous and virulent pathogen that can cause serious heart issues. It’s called Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome and it can be passed on to your family very easily. It starts with the fatigue of the body and mind, then after the incubation period of ten days the virus causes flu-like symptoms including coughing and fluid in the lungs. This fluid gathers and fills the lungs, the result is that you will drown in your own body’s fluid and be unable to respirate. This is most certainly fatal and without immediate medical attention, it can also be life-changing in its long-term effects on your respiratory system. 

If you have symptoms of Hantavirus call an ambulance right away, the incubation period for the virus is very short and it can be fatal in less than two weeks. If you have mice in your home you have a high likelihood of catching the virus, however, there have been no reports of hantavirus in North America for nearly a century while south America does have rare cases mostly driven by a person to person infection and not through direct rodent contact. Still, the danger comes when people believe the danger is gone. That is when the Hantavirus will hit. Do not clean mouse feces if you do not have the tools. Call  Mouse Control, they will do it for a reasonable price and provide commercial Hospital grade botanical sterilizers and deodorizers that will not harm anything other than pathogens. 

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