What Should You Do If You Have Mice Nesting In A Car Engine

What Should You Do If You Have Mice Nesting In a Car Engine?

Perhaps you’ve heard and seen bats living in the belfry. But how does it go with nuisance rats in the manifold, or mice in the engine?  
You see, these rodents can bring mayhem into your car’s engine. It’s not a surprise that you’ll take your car for repairs, only for your mechanic to say the rats/mice have chewed your car’s wiring to the tune of $1,200. That’s the reason your car won’t start and probably this is time to call mice control company.   
Mice are bound to cause even more damage after they gnaw wires, or rip out insulation materials so they can create their habitat. They are also fond of storing food in different compartments of your car’s engine — as long as they feel it’s safe. This is a big challenge especially for the people who live in the rural areas. You want your car for transportation purposes, yet they want it for a home. 


What Should You Do If You Have Mice Nesting In a Car Engine? 
Rodents are everywhere, so we can’t escape them. They may decided to investigate your car and cause havoc in the process. This investigation can go as far as nesting and storing food inside the motor. But there are dozens of techniques you can make use of to get rid of them. We have a few tips for you. 
Block Every Entrance/Exit into or Out of The Car’s Engine 
The most effective way to keeping them in check is by blocking their way into or out of the engine compartment. If you can prevent them from getting into the engine, then you’ll have an easy time controlling them in the first place. 
You can choose to place traps at strategic points around the vehicle, or on top of the wheels. They climb the wheels when getting into the engine compartment, so you want to block their access path first. You can also block openings in the engine with something like wire screens. 
Electrical Deterrent Devices 
When rodents such as mice hear ultrasound from electrical devices, it annoys them. So you can bank on that fact. However, the problem with this method is that some will learn to ignore the sound with time. So you may want to step up your next line of defense in conjunction with this technique. 
You could use strobe lights to disrupt darkness in the engine. Rats and mice love darkness. But you can make their habitat uncomfortable by eliminating this darkness, and they will eventually leave.  
Spoil the Air in Your Engine Compartments 
They will equally grow uncomfortable with bad smell in the engine. Motorists tend to be successful with things such as powdered fox urine, peppermint oil, cat hair, Pine-sol, red pepper, Irish spring soap and so forth. The goal is to be as malicious as you can, so spray these solutions into the wires and all components of your car’s engine. 
Use Glue Traps 
If you don’t mind treating them inhumanely, you might opt for glue traps instead. Glue traps will torture them, and they will eventually die. You may use this method as long as animal rights people don’t discover what you’re using. 
Old-fashioned Traps, and other Methods 
You could use human cage traps for this purpose. You could even spray your garage with solutions that mice hate. Again, you could use baits, though these can be poisonous even to your domesticated animals like dogs and cats. 
Don’t give them a chance to ruin your car’s engine, leaving you with costly repairs. They should only succeed in spoiling your car’s engine when you don’t know these tips. But now that you know, be smart.

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